Class LogicModuleGrpcClient

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class LogicModuleGrpcClient
    extends Object
    implements LogicModuleAPI
    Client code that makes gRPC calls to the server.
    • Field Detail


        protected static final boolean DEBUG_ENABLED
        Indicates if debug is enabled.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LogicModuleGrpcClient

        public LogicModuleGrpcClient​(String host,
                                     int port)
        Construct client for accessing LogicModule server at host:port.
        host - Host
        port - Port
    • Method Detail

      • performSetOfNewAccounts

        public byte[] performSetOfNewAccounts​(AccountID adminID,
                                              PasswordCredential adminCredential,
                                              byte[] yamlFile)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Perform a series of new account creations, described by a YAML parameter.
        Specified by:
        performSetOfNewAccounts in interface LogicModuleAPI
        adminID - ID of the account of the user that desires to perform the operations.
        adminCredential - Credential of the admin's account.
        yamlFile - A YAML file containing all the new users.
        A YAML file with the ID for the created users.
      • performSetOfOperations

        public byte[] performSetOfOperations​(AccountID performerID,
                                             PasswordCredential performerCredential,
                                             byte[] yamlFile)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Perform a series of operations, described by a YAML parameter.
        Specified by:
        performSetOfOperations in interface LogicModuleAPI
        performerID - ID of the account of the user that desires to perform the operations.
        performerCredential - Credential of the performer's account.
        yamlFile - A YAML file containing all the operations.
        A YAML file with the result for all the operations.
      • newAccountNoAdmin

        public AccountID newAccountNoAdmin​(Account newAccount)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        This operation creates a new account in the system without admin credentials.
        Specified by:
        newAccountNoAdmin in interface LogicModuleAPI
        newAccount - Specifications of the account to create
        AccountID of the new account if the it was successfully created.
      • newAccount

        public AccountID newAccount​(AccountID adminAccountID,
                                    PasswordCredential adminCredential,
                                    Account newAccount)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        This operation creates a new account in the system with the provided username.
        Specified by:
        newAccount in interface LogicModuleAPI
        adminAccountID - ID of the account of the user that calls the operation
        adminCredential - Credential of the adminAccount provided
        newAccount - Specifications of the account to create
        AccountID of the new account if the it was successfully created.
      • getAccountID

        public AccountID getAccountID​(String accountName)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method that retrieves the id of an account given its name
        Specified by:
        getAccountID in interface LogicModuleAPI
        accountName - the user name of the account
        the account id if the operation succeeds. null otherwise.
      • getAccountList

        public Set<AccountID> getAccountList​(AccountID adminAccountID,
                                             PasswordCredential adminCredential)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        The list of users registered in the system
        Specified by:
        getAccountList in interface LogicModuleAPI
        adminAccountID - ID of the account of the user that calls the operation
        adminCredential - Credential of the adminAccount provided
        the IDs of the users registered in the system.
      • newSession

        public SessionInfo newSession​(AccountID accountID,
                                      PasswordCredential credential,
                                      Set<ContractID> contracts,
                                      Set<DataSetID> dataSetIDs,
                                      DataSetID dataSetForStore,
                                      CommonMessages.Langs newsessionLang)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method that registeres a new session for the given account considering the provided interfaces in contract
        Specified by:
        newSession in interface LogicModuleAPI
        accountID - ID of the account
        credential - credentials for the account
        contracts - contracts to be considered
        dataSetIDs - Accessible datasets for the session (user must have one data contract for each dataset)
        dataSetForStore - Dataset for store (dataset must be include among the dataSets)
        newsessionLang - language for the sesssion
        Information of the new session
      • newNamespace

        public NamespaceID newNamespace​(AccountID accountID,
                                        PasswordCredential credential,
                                        Namespace newNamespace)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method that creates a new namespace in the system.
        Specified by:
        newNamespace in interface LogicModuleAPI
        accountID - the account id of the account
        credential - the credential of the account
        newNamespace - Specifications of the new namespace
        the id of the new namespace
      • removeNamespace

        public void removeNamespace​(AccountID accountID,
                                    PasswordCredential credential,
                                    String namespaceName)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        This method removes a namespace from the system by checking it has no active contract associated with it, and no classes registered on it.
        Specified by:
        removeNamespace in interface LogicModuleAPI
        accountID - the account id either of the responsible of the namespace or the the admin account
        credential - the credential of the account
        namespaceName - the name of the namespace
      • getNamespaceID

        public NamespaceID getNamespaceID​(AccountID accountID,
                                          PasswordCredential credential,
                                          String namespaceName)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Retrieves the id of a namespace identified by name provided
        Specified by:
        getNamespaceID in interface LogicModuleAPI
        accountID - Requester account id
        credential - Requester credential
        namespaceName - Name of the namespace
        ID of the namespace or NULL if an error happened.
      • getNamespaceLang

        public CommonMessages.Langs getNamespaceLang​(AccountID accountID,
                                                     PasswordCredential credential,
                                                     String namespaceName)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Retrieves the language of a namespace identified by name provided
        Specified by:
        getNamespaceLang in interface LogicModuleAPI
        accountID - Requester account id
        credential - Requester credential
        namespaceName - Name of the namespace
        Language of the namespace or NULL if an error happened.
      • getObjectDataSetID

        public DataSetID getObjectDataSetID​(SessionID sessionID,
                                            ObjectID oid)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Retrieves the id of a dataset of the object with ID provided.
        Specified by:
        getObjectDataSetID in interface LogicModuleAPI
        sessionID - ID of session
        oid - Object ID
        ID of the dataset or NULL if an error happened.
      • importInterface

        public void importInterface​(AccountID accountID,
                                    PasswordCredential credential,
                                    NamespaceID namespaceID,
                                    ContractID contractID,
                                    InterfaceID interfaceID)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Imports an interface in contract into a specific namespace
        Specified by:
        importInterface in interface LogicModuleAPI
        accountID - the account that performs the action
        credential - credentials of the account
        namespaceID - ID of namespace where interface in contract is imported
        contractID - ID of the contract
        interfaceID - ID of the interface
      • importContract

        public void importContract​(AccountID accountID,
                                   PasswordCredential credential,
                                   NamespaceID namespaceID,
                                   ContractID contractID)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Imports the interfaces of the contract into a specific namespace
        Specified by:
        importContract in interface LogicModuleAPI
        accountID - the account that performs the action
        credential - credentials of the account
        namespaceID - ID of namespace where interface in contract is imported
        contractID - ID of the contract
      • newDataSet

        public DataSetID newDataSet​(AccountID accountID,
                                    PasswordCredential credential,
                                    DataSet dataset)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method that creates a new dataset in the system.
        Specified by:
        newDataSet in interface LogicModuleAPI
        accountID - the account id of the account
        credential - the credential of the account
        dataset - Specifications of the dataset to create
        the id of the new dataset
      • removeDataSet

        public void removeDataSet​(AccountID accountID,
                                  PasswordCredential credential,
                                  String datasetName)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        This method removes a dataset from the system by checking it has no active data contract associated with it and no objects registered in it.
        Specified by:
        removeDataSet in interface LogicModuleAPI
        accountID - the account id either of the responsible of the dataset or the the admin account
        credential - the credential of the account
        datasetName - the name of the dataset
      • getDataSetID

        public DataSetID getDataSetID​(AccountID accountID,
                                      PasswordCredential credential,
                                      String datasetName)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Retrieves the id of a dataset identified by name provided
        Specified by:
        getDataSetID in interface LogicModuleAPI
        accountID - ID of the account responsible of the given dataset
        credential - Credential of the account
        datasetName - Name of the dataset
        ID of the namespace or NULL if an error happened.
      • checkDataSetIsPublic

        public boolean checkDataSetIsPublic​(DataSetID dataSetID)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Checks whether the dataset is public or not
        Specified by:
        checkDataSetIsPublic in interface LogicModuleAPI
        dataSetID - ID of the dataset to be chcecked
        true if the dataset is public, false otherwise.
      • newClass

        public Map<String,​MetaClass> newClass​(AccountID accountID,
                                                    PasswordCredential credential,
                                                    CommonMessages.Langs language,
                                                    Map<String,​MetaClass> newClasses)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        This operation creates a new metaclass in the system with the provided specifications and associate it to the Namespace provided.
        Specified by:
        newClass in interface LogicModuleAPI
        accountID - ID of the account of the user that calls the operation
        credential - Credential of the account provided
        language - Language of the classes provided
        newClasses - Specifications of classes to create
        info of the new MetaClass if it was successfully created.
      • removeClass

        public void removeClass​(AccountID accountID,
                                PasswordCredential credential,
                                NamespaceID namespaceID,
                                String className)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method that removes a class given its name and the name of the namespace where it belongs to
        Specified by:
        removeClass in interface LogicModuleAPI
        accountID - ID of the account responsible of the namespace of the class
        credential - Credential of the account responsible of the namespace of the class
        namespaceID - ID of the namespace of the class to remove
        className - Name of the class to remove
      • removeOperation

        public void removeOperation​(AccountID accountID,
                                    PasswordCredential credential,
                                    NamespaceID namespaceID,
                                    String className,
                                    String operationSignature)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method that removes an operation given its signature
        Specified by:
        removeOperation in interface LogicModuleAPI
        accountID - the account of the responsible of the namespace
        credential - the credentials of the account
        namespaceID - the ID of the namespace of the class of the operation
        className - the name of the class of the opreation
        operationSignature - the signature of the operation
      • removeImplementation

        public void removeImplementation​(AccountID accountID,
                                         PasswordCredential credential,
                                         NamespaceID namespaceID,
                                         ImplementationID implementationID)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method that removes an implementation of a certain operation
        Specified by:
        removeImplementation in interface LogicModuleAPI
        accountID - the account of the responsible of the namespace
        credential - the credentials of the account
        namespaceID - ID of the namespace of the implementation
        implementationID - the id of the implementation
      • getOperationID

        public OperationID getOperationID​(AccountID accountID,
                                          PasswordCredential credential,
                                          NamespaceID namespaceID,
                                          String className,
                                          String operationSignature)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method that retrieves the id of an operation given its signature
        Specified by:
        getOperationID in interface LogicModuleAPI
        accountID - the account of the responsible of the namespace
        credential - the credentials of the account
        namespaceID - the id of the namespace
        className - the name of the class
        operationSignature - signature of the operation
        the operation id if the operation succeeds. null otherwise.
      • getPropertyID

        public PropertyID getPropertyID​(AccountID accountID,
                                        PasswordCredential credential,
                                        NamespaceID namespaceID,
                                        String className,
                                        String propertyName)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method that retrieves the id of a property given its signature
        Specified by:
        getPropertyID in interface LogicModuleAPI
        accountID - the account of the responsible of the namespace
        credential - the credentials of the account
        namespaceID - the id of the namespace
        className - the name of the class
        propertyName - the name of the property
        the property id if the operation succeeds. null otherwise.
      • getClassID

        public MetaClassID getClassID​(AccountID accountID,
                                      PasswordCredential credential,
                                      NamespaceID namespaceID,
                                      String className)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method that retrieves the id of a class given its name
        Specified by:
        getClassID in interface LogicModuleAPI
        accountID - the account of the responsible of the namespace
        credential - the credentials of the account
        namespaceID - the id of the namespace
        className - the name of the class
        the class id if the operation succeeds. null otherwise.
      • getClassInfo

        public MetaClass getClassInfo​(AccountID accountID,
                                      PasswordCredential credential,
                                      NamespaceID namespaceID,
                                      String className)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method that retrieves the id of a class given its name
        Specified by:
        getClassInfo in interface LogicModuleAPI
        accountID - the account of the responsible of the namespace
        credential - the credentials of the account
        namespaceID - the id of the namespace
        className - the name of the class
        the class id if the operation succeeds. null otherwise.
      • getInfoOfClassesInNamespace

        public Map<MetaClassID,​MetaClass> getInfoOfClassesInNamespace​(AccountID accountID,
                                                                            PasswordCredential credential,
                                                                            NamespaceID namespaceID)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method that retrieves the info of the classes registered in specific namespace.
        Specified by:
        getInfoOfClassesInNamespace in interface LogicModuleAPI
        accountID - the account of the responsible of the namespace
        credential - the credentials of the account
        namespaceID - the id of the namespace
        The info of the classes registered in the given namespace if the operation succeeds. null otherwise.
      • newContract

        public ContractID newContract​(AccountID accountID,
                                      PasswordCredential credential,
                                      Contract newContract)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method to register a new contract.
        Specified by:
        newContract in interface LogicModuleAPI
        accountID - The account of the contract provider
        credential - Credential of the account
        newContract - the specification of the contract (dates, interfaces, etc.)
        the contract id if the operation succeeds. null otherwise.
      • registerToPublicContract

        public void registerToPublicContract​(AccountID accountID,
                                             PasswordCredential credential,
                                             ContractID contractID)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method to register an account to a contract
        Specified by:
        registerToPublicContract in interface LogicModuleAPI
        accountID - The account of the applicant for the contract
        credential - The credential of the applicant for the contract
        contractID - ID of the contract in which to register.
      • registerToPublicContractOfNamespace

        public ContractID registerToPublicContractOfNamespace​(AccountID accountID,
                                                              PasswordCredential credential,
                                                              NamespaceID namespaceID)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method to register an account to a public contract given a namespace
        Specified by:
        registerToPublicContractOfNamespace in interface LogicModuleAPI
        accountID - The account of the applicant for the contract
        credential - The credential of the applicant for the contract
        namespaceID - ID of the namespace in which to register (in case it provides a public contract)
        ID of the public contract associated with the namespace
      • getContractIDsOfApplicant

        public Map<ContractID,​Contract> getContractIDsOfApplicant​(AccountID applicantAccountID,
                                                                        PasswordCredential credential)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method that returns all contract IDs of a user (as applicant).
        Specified by:
        getContractIDsOfApplicant in interface LogicModuleAPI
        applicantAccountID - Account ID of the user that queries for its contract IDs
        credential - Credential of the account
        A list of Contract IDs of the account provided.
      • getContractIDsOfProvider

        public Map<ContractID,​Contract> getContractIDsOfProvider​(AccountID accountID,
                                                                       PasswordCredential credential,
                                                                       NamespaceID namespaceIDofProvider)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method that returns all contract IDs of a namespace (as provider).
        Specified by:
        getContractIDsOfProvider in interface LogicModuleAPI
        accountID - ID of the responsible of the namespace.
        credential - credentails of the responsible of the namespace.
        namespaceIDofProvider - ID of the namespace provider
        A list of Contract IDs of the namespace as provider.
      • getContractIDsOfApplicantWithProvider

        public Map<ContractID,​Contract> getContractIDsOfApplicantWithProvider​(AccountID applicantAccountID,
                                                                                    PasswordCredential credential,
                                                                                    NamespaceID namespaceIDofProvider)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method that returns all contract IDs of a user (as applicant) with the given namespace provider.
        Specified by:
        getContractIDsOfApplicantWithProvider in interface LogicModuleAPI
        applicantAccountID - Account ID of the user that queries for its contract IDs.
        credential - Credential of the account.
        namespaceIDofProvider - ID of the namespace that provides the contracts to be retrieved.
        A list of Contract IDs of the specified account with the given namespace provider.
      • newDataContract

        public DataContractID newDataContract​(AccountID accountID,
                                              PasswordCredential credential,
                                              DataContract newDataContract)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Creates a new Data Contract
        Specified by:
        newDataContract in interface LogicModuleAPI
        accountID - ID of the responsible of the dataset
        credential - credential of the account responsible of dataset
        newDataContract - specifications of the datacontract to create
        The id of the new contract if it success, error otherwise.
      • registerToPublicDataContract

        public void registerToPublicDataContract​(AccountID accountID,
                                                 PasswordCredential credential,
                                                 DataContractID datacontractID)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method that registers a certain account to a public data contract.
        Specified by:
        registerToPublicDataContract in interface LogicModuleAPI
        accountID - ID of the account that wants to be registered to the contract
        credential - the credential of the acount
        datacontractID - the ID of the public data contract
      • getDataContractIDsOfProvider

        public Map<DataContractID,​DataContract> getDataContractIDsOfProvider​(AccountID accountID,
                                                                                   PasswordCredential credential,
                                                                                   DataSetID datasetIDofProvider)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method that retrieves the data contracts that a dataset provides.
        Specified by:
        getDataContractIDsOfProvider in interface LogicModuleAPI
        accountID - ID of a responsible of the data contract (or admin)
        credential - credential of the account
        datasetIDofProvider - ID of the dataset providing the contracts
        The set of data contracts provided by the dataset.
      • getDataContractInfoOfApplicantWithProvider

        public DataContract getDataContractInfoOfApplicantWithProvider​(AccountID applicantAccountID,
                                                                       PasswordCredential credential,
                                                                       DataSetID datasetIDofProvider)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method that retrieves the data contract of an account (as applicant) with a certain dataset.
        Specified by:
        getDataContractInfoOfApplicantWithProvider in interface LogicModuleAPI
        applicantAccountID - ID of the account to be checked.
        credential - credential of the account
        datasetIDofProvider - ID of the dataset as provider
        the data contract the account has applied to with the given dataset
      • newInterface

        public InterfaceID newInterface​(AccountID accountID,
                                        PasswordCredential credential,
                                        Interface newInterface)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method that registers a new interface
        Specified by:
        newInterface in interface LogicModuleAPI
        accountID - the account of the responsible of the namespace of the class
        credential - the credentials of the account
        newInterface - specifications of interface to create
        ID of the new interface created or NULL if it failed.
      • getInterfaceInfo

        public Interface getInterfaceInfo​(AccountID accountID,
                                          PasswordCredential credential,
                                          InterfaceID interfaceID)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method that retrieves the info of the interface if the account is registered in a contract that contains it
        Specified by:
        getInterfaceInfo in interface LogicModuleAPI
        accountID - ID of the account registered in a contract with the interface present
        credential - the credential of the account
        interfaceID - the ID of the interface to be retrieved
        info of the interface
      • removeInterface

        public void removeInterface​(AccountID accountID,
                                    PasswordCredential credential,
                                    NamespaceID namespaceID,
                                    InterfaceID interfaceID)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method that removes a specific interface
        Specified by:
        removeInterface in interface LogicModuleAPI
        accountID - the account of the responsible of the namespace of the interface
        credential - the credentials of the acount
        namespaceID - ID of the namespace of the interface
        interfaceID - the id of the interface to be removed
      • getStorageLocationInfo

        public StorageLocation getStorageLocationInfo​(StorageLocationID backendID,
                                                      boolean fromBackend)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Retrieves the backend specification
        Specified by:
        getStorageLocationInfo in interface LogicModuleAPI
        backendID - ID of the backend
        fromBackend - Indicates request was done from backend (dsjava, dspython) i.e. do not use exposed IP.
        the specification of the backend
      • getExecutionEnvironmentInfo

        public ExecutionEnvironment getExecutionEnvironmentInfo​(ExecutionEnvironmentID backendID,
                                                                boolean fromBackend)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Retrieves the backend specification
        Specified by:
        getExecutionEnvironmentInfo in interface LogicModuleAPI
        backendID - ID of the backend
        fromBackend - Indicates request was done from backend (dsjava, dspython) i.e. do not use exposed IP.
        the specification of the backend
      • getExternalDataClayInfo

        public DataClayInstance getExternalDataClayInfo​(DataClayInstanceID extDataClayID)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method that retrieves the info of an external dataClay instance
        Specified by:
        getExternalDataClayInfo in interface LogicModuleAPI
        extDataClayID - id of the external (already registered) dataClay
        info of dataClay instance identified by specified ID. null if it is not registered in the system.
      • getExternalDataClayID

        public DataClayInstanceID getExternalDataClayID​(String dcHost,
                                                        int dcPort)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Tries to connect to an external dataClay instance and retrieve its ID. *
        Specified by:
        getExternalDataClayID in interface LogicModuleAPI
        dcHost - hostname of the external dataClay instance
        dcPort - port of the external dataClay instance
        id of the external dataClay instance
      • registerExternalDataClay

        public DataClayInstanceID registerExternalDataClay​(String hostname,
                                                           int port)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method that tries to register an external instance of dataClay assigning a new ID to it. If if is already registered, method is ignored.
        Specified by:
        registerExternalDataClay in interface LogicModuleAPI
        hostname - host name of the main service of the external dataClay instance.
        port - port of the external main service of the dataClay instance
        ID of dataClay registered.
      • registerExternalDataClayOverrideAuthority

        public DataClayInstanceID registerExternalDataClayOverrideAuthority​(AccountID adminAccountID,
                                                                            PasswordCredential adminCredential,
                                                                            String hostname,
                                                                            int port,
                                                                            String authority)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        For system-admin users only. Method that registers an external dataclay overriding authority specified.
        Specified by:
        registerExternalDataClayOverrideAuthority in interface LogicModuleAPI
        adminAccountID - Admin account iD
        adminCredential - Admin credentials
        hostname - Hostname
        port - Port
        authority - Authority
        ID of the dataClay registered
      • notifyRegistrationOfExternalDataClay

        public DataClayInstanceID notifyRegistrationOfExternalDataClay​(DataClayInstanceID dataClayInstanceID,
                                                                       String hostname,
                                                                       int port)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        When you register an external DataClay, we notify external dataClay about the registration and we get the ID of the external dataClay. Destination dataClay then, is aware of all dataClays 'connected' to him.
        Specified by:
        notifyRegistrationOfExternalDataClay in interface LogicModuleAPI
        dataClayInstanceID - ID of dataClay registering current dataClay as external
        hostname - Host name
        port - Port
        ID of current dataClay or Null if not allowed or some error ocurred
      • registerObjectFromGC

        public void registerObjectFromGC​(RegistrationInfo regInfo,
                                         ExecutionEnvironmentID backendID,
                                         DataServiceRuntime clientLib)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Register objects in MDS
        Specified by:
        registerObjectFromGC in interface LogicModuleAPI
        regInfo - Registration info
        backendID - ID of the backend in which the objects were stored
        clientLib - DataService objects Map to be modified since this call is ASYNCHRONOUS. Thus, modified by GRPC (see Logic module grpc client)
      • getAllExecutionEnvironmentsInfo

        public Map<ExecutionEnvironmentID,​ExecutionEnvironment> getAllExecutionEnvironmentsInfo​(CommonMessages.Langs execEnvLang,
                                                                                                      boolean getExternal,
                                                                                                      boolean fromBackend)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method that retrieves the info of all the registered backends
        Specified by:
        getAllExecutionEnvironmentsInfo in interface LogicModuleAPI
        execEnvLang - Language of execution environments to get information of
        getExternal - Indicates if external execution environments must be also obtained
        fromBackend - Indicates request was done from backend (dsjava, dspython) i.e. do not use exposed IP.
        the info of the registered Storage Locations in a table indexed by their IDs
      • getObjectInfo

        public Tuple<String,​String> getObjectInfo​(SessionID sessionID,
                                                        ObjectID objectID)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method to check whether an object is accessible with the specified session and returns its classname and namespace of the class.
        Specified by:
        getObjectInfo in interface LogicModuleAPI
        sessionID - ID of the session
        objectID - ID of object
        a tuple [class name, namespace] containing the class of the object, and the namespace of the class.
      • deleteAlias

        public ObjectID deleteAlias​(SessionID sessionID,
                                    String alias)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Removes the alias of an object
        Specified by:
        deleteAlias in interface LogicModuleAPI
        sessionID - ID of the session
        alias - alias of the object
        ID of object with deleted alias
      • moveObject

        public List<ObjectID> moveObject​(SessionID sessionID,
                                         ObjectID objectID,
                                         ExecutionEnvironmentID srcBackendID,
                                         ExecutionEnvironmentID destBackendID,
                                         boolean recursive)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method that moves an object from location to location.
        Specified by:
        moveObject in interface LogicModuleAPI
        sessionID - ID of the session
        objectID - ID of the object
        srcBackendID - ID of the source location
        destBackendID - ID of the destination location
        recursive - Indicates if sub-objects (int the src location or others) must be also moved or not.
        List of moved objects.
      • setObjectReadOnly

        public void setObjectReadOnly​(SessionID sessionID,
                                      ObjectID objectID)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method that sets the object as read only
        Specified by:
        setObjectReadOnly in interface LogicModuleAPI
        sessionID - ID of the session
        objectID - ID of the object
      • isPrefetchingEnabled

        public boolean isPrefetchingEnabled()
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Indicates if dataClay has prefetching enabled.
        Specified by:
        isPrefetchingEnabled in interface LogicModuleAPI
        TRUE if prefetching is enabled in dataClay. FALSE otherwise.
      • objectExistsInDataClay

        public boolean objectExistsInDataClay​(ObjectID objectID)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Check if object exists in dataClay (in any EE memory or SL)
        Specified by:
        objectExistsInDataClay in interface LogicModuleAPI
        objectID - ID of the object to check
        TRUE if the object exists. FALSE otherwise.
      • setObjectReadWrite

        public void setObjectReadWrite​(SessionID sessionID,
                                       ObjectID objectID)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method that sets the object as read-write
        Specified by:
        setObjectReadWrite in interface LogicModuleAPI
        sessionID - ID of the session
        objectID - ID of the object
      • getMetadataByOID

        public MetaDataInfo getMetadataByOID​(SessionID sessionID,
                                             ObjectID objectID)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method that retrieves the locations of all the replicas of a specific object and its classname.
        Specified by:
        getMetadataByOID in interface LogicModuleAPI
        sessionID - ID of the session
        objectID - ID of the object
        MetaDataInfo of the object
      • getMetadataByOIDForDS

        public MetaDataInfo getMetadataByOIDForDS​(ObjectID objectID)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Get metadata by oid. TODO: functions without session ids (garbage collector for isntance) should be used in different way (dgasull)
        Specified by:
        getMetadataByOIDForDS in interface LogicModuleAPI
        objectID - Object ID
        Metadata info for EE.
      • executeMethodOnTarget

        public SerializedParametersOrReturn executeMethodOnTarget​(SessionID sessionID,
                                                                  ObjectID objectID,
                                                                  String operationSignature,
                                                                  SerializedParametersOrReturn params,
                                                                  ExecutionEnvironmentID backendID)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method that executes a method on a specific target (using an arbitrary implementation given the session info).
        Specified by:
        executeMethodOnTarget in interface LogicModuleAPI
        sessionID - ID of the session.
        objectID - ID of the object on which the implementation is executed
        operationSignature - the operation signature of the method to be executed
        params - the serialized parameters for the method
        backendID - the backend where the method must be executed
        Result of the operation (all objects serialized) or null if void.
      • getStubs

        public Map<String,​byte[]> getStubs​(AccountID applicantAccountID,
                                                 PasswordCredential applicantCredential,
                                                 CommonMessages.Langs language,
                                                 List<ContractID> contractsIDs)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method that allows to retrieve the stubs of the given contracts (merging interfaces if necessary)
        Specified by:
        getStubs in interface LogicModuleAPI
        applicantAccountID - the applicant of the contract
        applicantCredential - the credentials of the applicant
        language - the language of the stub to generate
        contractsIDs - IDs of the contracts
        a Map of byte arrays with bytecode (or similar) for each stub
      • getBabelStubs

        public byte[] getBabelStubs​(AccountID applicantAccountID,
                                    PasswordCredential applicantCredential,
                                    List<ContractID> contractsIDs)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Method that allows to retrieve the "Babel" (language independent YAML-based) stubs of the given contracts (merging interfaces if necessary).
        Specified by:
        getBabelStubs in interface LogicModuleAPI
        applicantAccountID - the applicant of the contract
        applicantCredential - the credentials of the applicant
        contractsIDs - IDs of the contracts
        a byte array with a YAML document, with each
      • registerEventListenerImplementation

        public void registerEventListenerImplementation​(AccountID accountID,
                                                        PasswordCredential credential,
                                                        ECA newEventListener)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Registers an event listener implementation
        Specified by:
        registerEventListenerImplementation in interface LogicModuleAPI
        accountID - ID of account registering the event listener
        credential - Credentials of the account
        newEventListener - Event listener implementation to register.
      • adviseEvent

        public void adviseEvent​(EventMessage newEvent)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Advises Notification Manager new event has occurred.
        Specified by:
        adviseEvent in interface LogicModuleAPI
        newEvent - New event
      • activateTracing

        public void activateTracing​(int currentAvailableTaskID)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Activate tracing.
        Specified by:
        activateTracing in interface LogicModuleAPI
        currentAvailableTaskID - Current starting task ID in Extrae
      • getTraces

        public Map<String,​byte[]> getTraces()
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Get Extrae traces (mpits and set files)
        Specified by:
        getTraces in interface LogicModuleAPI
        Extrae traces (mpits and set files)
      • waitAndProcessAllAsyncRequests

        public void waitAndProcessAllAsyncRequests()
        Wait all async. requests
      • unregisterObjects

        public void unregisterObjects​(Set<ObjectID> objectsToUnregister)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Unregister objects (called from GlobalGC)
        Specified by:
        unregisterObjects in interface LogicModuleAPI
        objectsToUnregister - Objects to unregister
      • publishAddress

        public void publishAddress​(String hostname,
                                   int port)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Configure LogicModule to give provided address in case external dataClays require to know how to access current dataClay
        Specified by:
        publishAddress in interface LogicModuleAPI
        hostname - Hostname to be published (given to external dataClays)
        port - Port to be published
      • getClassesInNamespace

        public Tuple<Namespace,​Set<MetaClass>> getClassesInNamespace​(String namespaceName)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Get all classes from namespace with name provided in current dataClay.
        Specified by:
        getClassesInNamespace in interface LogicModuleAPI
        namespaceName - Name of the namespace to get data from
        Namespace information, information of all classes registered in namespace and code of classes to deploy
      • importModelsFromExternalDataClay

        public void importModelsFromExternalDataClay​(String extNamespaceName,
                                                     DataClayInstanceID extDataClayID)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Import classes in namespace from external dataClay provided
        Specified by:
        importModelsFromExternalDataClay in interface LogicModuleAPI
        extNamespaceName - Name of the external namespace to get
        extDataClayID - External dataClay ID to get namespace/classes from
      • existsActiveEnvironmentsForSL

        public boolean existsActiveEnvironmentsForSL​(StorageLocationID stLocID)
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Check if there is an active Execution Environment associated to SL with ID provided.
        Specified by:
        existsActiveEnvironmentsForSL in interface LogicModuleAPI
        stLocID - ID of the storage location to check
        TRUE if there is an active Execution Environment associated to SL with ID provided. FALSE, otherwise.
      • getNumObjects

        public int getNumObjects()
        Description copied from interface: LogicModuleAPI
        Get number of objects in dataClay
        Specified by:
        getNumObjects in interface LogicModuleAPI
        number of objects in dataClay