Package es.bsc.dataclay.exceptions.metadataservice
Module intended to management of Exceptions on MetaDataService module.
Exception Summary Exception Description AliasAlreadyInUseException This class represents the exceptions produced in MetaDataService module when some alias is already being used.ExecutionEnvironmentAlreadyExistsException This class represents the exceptions produced in MetaDataService module when you try to add a new Storage Location that already exists in the database.ExecutionEnvironmentNotExistException This class represents the exceptions produced in MetaDataService module when a backend specified does not exist.ExternalDataClayNotRegisteredException This class represents the exceptions produced in MetaDataService module when an external dataClay specified is not registeredMultipleAliasesException This class represents the exceptions produced in MetaDataService module when some alias is already being used.ObjectAlreadyRegisteredException This class represents the exceptions produced in MetaDataService module when some object specified is already registered.ObjectHasReplicas This class represents the exceptions produced in MetaDataService module when some object has replicas.ObjectNotRegisteredException This class represents the exceptions produced in MetaDataService module when some object specified is not registered.StorageLocationAlreadyExistsException This class represents the exceptions produced in MetaDataService module when you try to add a new Storage Location that already exists in the database.StorageLocationNotExistException This class represents the exceptions produced in MetaDataService module when a backend specified does not exist.