Class UserType

  • public final class UserType
    extends Type
    This class represents a User Type.
    • Field Detail

      • namespace

        public String namespace
        Namespace of type if not language type.
    • Constructor Detail

      • UserType

        public UserType()
        Creates an empty Type
      • UserType

        public UserType​(String newnamespace,
                        String newtypename,
                        String newdescriptor,
                        String newsignature,
                        List<Type> subTypes)
        Type constructor with provided signature
        newdescriptor - Descriptor of the type
        newsignature - Signature of the type
        newnamespace - Namespace of the type
        newtypename - Type fully qualified name
        subTypes - Sub-types.
    • Method Detail

      • cloneLanguageless

        public UserType cloneLanguageless()
        Get a valid (identical) Type but without any LanguageDependant* stuff.
        A stripped-down copy of the current Type See MetaClass::cloneLanguageless for some insight on the purpose.
      • getClassID

        public MetaClassID getClassID()
        Get the Type::id
        the id
      • setClassID

        public void setClassID​(MetaClassID newclassID)
        Set the Type::id
        newclassID - the id to set
      • getNamespace

        public String getNamespace()
        Get the Type::namespace
        the namespace
      • setNamespace

        public void setNamespace​(String newnamespace)
        Set the Type::namespace
        newnamespace - the namespace to set