Uses of Package
Packages that use es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids Package Description es.bsc.dataclay es.bsc.dataclay.api API module containing functionalities provided to Module responsible to interact with Useres.bsc.dataclay.communication.grpc Contains GRPC Contains DataService client GRPC Contains Logic module client GRPC Module intended to management of Data of Objects and Module intended to management of DataService service Module intended to management of Data es.bsc.dataclay.exceptions General exception to manage error codeses.bsc.dataclay.exceptions.dataservice Module intended to management of Exceptions in DataService Module intended to management of Exceptions on DbHandler Module intended to management of Exception in Account Manager Module intended to management of Exceptions on ClassMgr Module intended to management of Exceptions on ContractManager Module intended to management of Exceptions on DataContractManager Module intended to management of Exceptions on DataSetManager Module intended to management of exceptions in InterfaceManageres.bsc.dataclay.exceptions.logicmodule.namespacemgr Module intended to management of Exceptions on NamespaceManager Module intended to management of Exceptions on MetaDataService Module intended to management of Exceptions in Session Manager Module intended to management of Exceptions on MetaDataService es.bsc.dataclay.loader es.bsc.dataclay.logic Module that represents the entry to the systemes.bsc.dataclay.logic.accountmgr Module intended to management of Module intended to provide API of Logic Modulees.bsc.dataclay.logic.classmgr Module intended to management of Metaclasses, Operations, Properties and Module intended to transformation of bytecode Module intended to management of Module intended to management of data Module intended to management of Module intended to management of es.bsc.dataclay.logic.namespacemgr Module intended to management of Module intended to management of notifications and event Module intended to management of information of sessionses.bsc.dataclay.metadataservice Module intended to management of information of distributed objectses.bsc.dataclay.serialization Utility classes for binary This package contains representation of Java Util This package contains representation of Java Util classes (like Collection or Map) in DataClay for Serialization This package contains representation of Java concurrent Classes in DataClay for Serialization Utility classes for binary serializationes.bsc.dataclay.storagelocation es.bsc.dataclay.util Utility classeses.bsc.dataclay.util.classloaders Utility classes for class This package contains information about event This package contains information about event This package contains information about event Package containing classes for filtering iterable All ids This package contains all Info classes send between This package contains classes used in management of This package contains classes used in management of This package contains classes used in management of This package contains classes used in management of data This package contains classes used in management of data This package contains classes used in management of This package contains classes used in management of This package contains classes used in management of This package contains classes used in management of This package contains classes used in management of Package for Severo Ochoa specific libraries. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay Class Description DataClayInstanceID This class represents the identification of a dataClay instance.DataSetID This class represents the identification of a DataSet.ExecutionEnvironmentID This class represents the identification of a ExecutionEnvironment.ImplementationID This class represents the identification of an Implementation.MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument.ObjectID This class represents the identification of an Object.SessionID This class represents the identification of a Session. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.api Class Description DataClayInstanceID This class represents the identification of a dataClay instance.MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument.ObjectID This class represents the identification of an Object.SessionID This class represents the identification of a Session. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.commonruntime Class Description AccountID This class represents the identification of an Account.ContractID This class represents the identification of a Contract.DataClayInstanceID This class represents the identification of a dataClay instance.DataContractID This class represents the identification of a Data Contract.DataSetID This class represents the identification of a DataSet.ExecutionEnvironmentID This class represents the identification of a ExecutionEnvironment.ImplementationID This class represents the identification of an Implementation.InterfaceID This class represents the identification of an Interface.MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument.NamespaceID This class represents the identification of a Namespace.ObjectID This class represents the identification of an Object.OperationID This class represents the identification of an Operation.PropertyID This class represents the identification of a Property.SessionID This class represents the identification of a Session. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.communication.grpc Class Description AccountID This class represents the identification of an Account.ContractID This class represents the identification of a Contract.CredentialID This class represents the identification of an Credential.DataClayInstanceID This class represents the identification of a dataClay instance.DataContractID This class represents the identification of a Data Contract.DataSetID This class represents the identification of a DataSet.ECAID EventMessageID EventObjsMeetConditionID ExecutionEnvironmentID This class represents the identification of a ExecutionEnvironment.ID This class represents an identification.ImplementationID This class represents the identification of an Implementation.InterfaceID This class represents the identification of an Interface.MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument.NamespaceID This class represents the identification of a Namespace.ObjectID This class represents the identification of an Object.OperationID This class represents the identification of an Operation.PropertyID This class represents the identification of a Property.QualitativeRegistryID This class represents the identification of a Feature.ResourceID This class represents the identification of a Resource.SessionID This class represents the identification of a Session.StorageLocationID This class represents the identification of a StorageLocation. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.communication.grpc.clients.dataservice Class Description ExecutionEnvironmentID This class represents the identification of a ExecutionEnvironment.ImplementationID This class represents the identification of an Implementation.MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument.ObjectID This class represents the identification of an Object.SessionID This class represents the identification of a Session.StorageLocationID This class represents the identification of a StorageLocation. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.communication.grpc.clients.logicmodule Class Description AccountID This class represents the identification of an Account.ContractID This class represents the identification of a Contract.DataClayInstanceID This class represents the identification of a dataClay instance.DataContractID This class represents the identification of a Data Contract.DataSetID This class represents the identification of a DataSet.ExecutionEnvironmentID This class represents the identification of a ExecutionEnvironment.ImplementationID This class represents the identification of an Implementation.InterfaceID This class represents the identification of an Interface.MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument.NamespaceID This class represents the identification of a Namespace.ObjectID This class represents the identification of an Object.OperationID This class represents the identification of an Operation.PropertyID This class represents the identification of a Property.SessionID This class represents the identification of a Session.StorageLocationID This class represents the identification of a StorageLocation. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.dataservice Class Description ExecutionEnvironmentID This class represents the identification of a ExecutionEnvironment.ImplementationID This class represents the identification of an Implementation.MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument.ObjectID This class represents the identification of an Object.SessionID This class represents the identification of a Session.StorageLocationID This class represents the identification of a StorageLocation. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.dataservice.api Class Description ExecutionEnvironmentID This class represents the identification of a ExecutionEnvironment.ImplementationID This class represents the identification of an Implementation.MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument.ObjectID This class represents the identification of an Object.SessionID This class represents the identification of a Session.StorageLocationID This class represents the identification of a StorageLocation. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.dbhandler Class Description ObjectID This class represents the identification of an Object. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.dbhandler.sql Class Description ObjectID This class represents the identification of an Object. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.exceptions Class Description MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.exceptions.dataservice Class Description ObjectID This class represents the identification of an Object. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.exceptions.dbhandler Class Description ID This class represents an identification. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.exceptions.logicmodule.accountmgr Class Description AccountID This class represents the identification of an Account. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.exceptions.logicmodule.classmgr Class Description ImplementationID This class represents the identification of an Implementation.MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument.NamespaceID This class represents the identification of a Namespace.OperationID This class represents the identification of an Operation.PropertyID This class represents the identification of a Property. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.exceptions.logicmodule.contractmgr Class Description AccountID This class represents the identification of an Account.ContractID This class represents the identification of a Contract.InterfaceID This class represents the identification of an Interface. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.exceptions.logicmodule.datacontractmgr Class Description AccountID This class represents the identification of an Account.DataContractID This class represents the identification of a Data Contract.DataSetID This class represents the identification of a DataSet. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.exceptions.logicmodule.datasetmgr Class Description DataSetID This class represents the identification of a DataSet. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.exceptions.logicmodule.interfacemgr Class Description InterfaceID This class represents the identification of an Interface. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.exceptions.logicmodule.namespacemgr Class Description AccountID This class represents the identification of an Account.ContractID This class represents the identification of a Contract.InterfaceID This class represents the identification of an Interface.NamespaceID This class represents the identification of a Namespace. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.exceptions.logicmodule.notificationmgr Class Description ECAID EventMessageID EventObjsMeetConditionID -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.exceptions.logicmodule.sessionmgr Class Description DataClayInstanceID This class represents the identification of a dataClay instance.SessionID This class represents the identification of a Session. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.exceptions.metadataservice Class Description DataClayInstanceID This class represents the identification of a dataClay instance.ExecutionEnvironmentID This class represents the identification of a ExecutionEnvironment.MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument.ObjectID This class represents the identification of an Object.StorageLocationID This class represents the identification of a StorageLocation. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.heap Class Description AccountID This class represents the identification of an Account.ContractID This class represents the identification of a Contract.CredentialID This class represents the identification of an Credential.DataClayInstanceID This class represents the identification of a dataClay instance.DataContractID This class represents the identification of a Data Contract.DataSetID This class represents the identification of a DataSet.ECAID EventMessageID EventObjsMeetConditionID ExecutionEnvironmentID This class represents the identification of a ExecutionEnvironment.ImplementationID This class represents the identification of an Implementation.InterfaceID This class represents the identification of an Interface.MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument.NamespaceID This class represents the identification of a Namespace.ObjectID This class represents the identification of an Object.OperationID This class represents the identification of an Operation.PropertyID This class represents the identification of a Property.ResourceID This class represents the identification of a Resource.SessionID This class represents the identification of a Session.StorageLocationID This class represents the identification of a StorageLocation. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.loader Class Description MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument.ObjectID This class represents the identification of an Object. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.logic Class Description AccountID This class represents the identification of an Account.ContractID This class represents the identification of a Contract.DataClayInstanceID This class represents the identification of a dataClay instance.DataContractID This class represents the identification of a Data Contract.DataSetID This class represents the identification of a DataSet.ExecutionEnvironmentID This class represents the identification of a ExecutionEnvironment.ImplementationID This class represents the identification of an Implementation.InterfaceID This class represents the identification of an Interface.MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument.NamespaceID This class represents the identification of a Namespace.ObjectID This class represents the identification of an Object.OperationID This class represents the identification of an Operation.PropertyID This class represents the identification of a Property.SessionID This class represents the identification of a Session.StorageLocationID This class represents the identification of a StorageLocation. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.logic.accountmgr Class Description AccountID This class represents the identification of an Account. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.logic.api Class Description AccountID This class represents the identification of an Account.ContractID This class represents the identification of a Contract.DataClayInstanceID This class represents the identification of a dataClay instance.DataContractID This class represents the identification of a Data Contract.DataSetID This class represents the identification of a DataSet.ExecutionEnvironmentID This class represents the identification of a ExecutionEnvironment.ImplementationID This class represents the identification of an Implementation.InterfaceID This class represents the identification of an Interface.MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument.NamespaceID This class represents the identification of a Namespace.ObjectID This class represents the identification of an Object.OperationID This class represents the identification of an Operation.PropertyID This class represents the identification of a Property.SessionID This class represents the identification of a Session.StorageLocationID This class represents the identification of a StorageLocation. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.logic.classmgr Class Description AccountID This class represents the identification of an Account.ImplementationID This class represents the identification of an Implementation.MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument.NamespaceID This class represents the identification of a Namespace.OperationID This class represents the identification of an Operation.PropertyID This class represents the identification of a Property. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by Class Description ImplementationID This class represents the identification of an Implementation.MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.logic.contractmgr Class Description AccountID This class represents the identification of an Account.ContractID This class represents the identification of a Contract.ImplementationID This class represents the identification of an Implementation.InterfaceID This class represents the identification of an Interface.NamespaceID This class represents the identification of a Namespace. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.logic.datacontractmgr Class Description AccountID This class represents the identification of an Account.ContractID This class represents the identification of a Contract.DataContractID This class represents the identification of a Data Contract.DataSetID This class represents the identification of a DataSet. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.logic.datasetmgr Class Description AccountID This class represents the identification of an Account.DataSetID This class represents the identification of a DataSet. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.logic.interfacemgr Class Description InterfaceID This class represents the identification of an Interface.MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument.NamespaceID This class represents the identification of a Namespace.OperationID This class represents the identification of an Operation. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.logic.logicmetadata Class Description AccountID This class represents the identification of an Account.ContractID This class represents the identification of a Contract.DataClayInstanceID This class represents the identification of a dataClay instance.ExecutionEnvironmentID This class represents the identification of a ExecutionEnvironment.NamespaceID This class represents the identification of a Namespace.StorageLocationID This class represents the identification of a StorageLocation. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.logic.namespacemgr Class Description AccountID This class represents the identification of an Account.ContractID This class represents the identification of a Contract.ImplementationID This class represents the identification of an Implementation.InterfaceID This class represents the identification of an Interface.MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument.NamespaceID This class represents the identification of a Namespace.OperationID This class represents the identification of an Operation.PropertyID This class represents the identification of a Property. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.logic.notificationmgr Class Description AccountID This class represents the identification of an Account.EventMessageID -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.logic.sessionmgr Class Description AccountID This class represents the identification of an Account.ContractID This class represents the identification of a Contract.DataClayInstanceID This class represents the identification of a dataClay instance.DataContractID This class represents the identification of a Data Contract.MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument.PropertyID This class represents the identification of a Property.SessionID This class represents the identification of a Session. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.metadataservice Class Description AccountID This class represents the identification of an Account.DataClayInstanceID This class represents the identification of a dataClay instance.DataSetID This class represents the identification of a DataSet.ExecutionEnvironmentID This class represents the identification of a ExecutionEnvironment.MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument.ObjectID This class represents the identification of an Object. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.serialization Class Description MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument.ObjectID This class represents the identification of an Object. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by Class Description DataClayInstanceID This class represents the identification of a dataClay instance.ExecutionEnvironmentID This class represents the identification of a ExecutionEnvironment.MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument.ObjectID This class represents the identification of an Object. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by Class Description MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by Class Description MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by Class Description MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.serialization.lib Class Description DataClayInstanceID This class represents the identification of a dataClay instance.ExecutionEnvironmentID This class represents the identification of a ExecutionEnvironment.MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument.ObjectID This class represents the identification of an Object.SessionID This class represents the identification of a Session. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.storagelocation Class Description ExecutionEnvironmentID This class represents the identification of a ExecutionEnvironment.ObjectID This class represents the identification of an Object. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.util Class Description ExecutionEnvironmentID This class represents the identification of a ExecutionEnvironment.ID This class represents an identification.MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument.ObjectID This class represents the identification of an Object. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.util.classloaders Class Description MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument.ObjectID This class represents the identification of an Object. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by Class Description ECAID MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument.OperationID This class represents the identification of an Operation. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by Class Description EventMessageID ObjectID This class represents the identification of an Object. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by Class Description AccountID This class represents the identification of an Account.MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.util.filtering Class Description MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids Class Description ID This class represents an identification.MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by Class Description ExecutionEnvironmentID This class represents the identification of a ExecutionEnvironment.ImplementationID This class represents the identification of an Implementation.ObjectID This class represents the identification of an Object.OperationID This class represents the identification of an Operation.PropertyID This class represents the identification of a Property. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by Class Description MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by Class Description AccountID This class represents the identification of an Account.ImplementationID This class represents the identification of an Implementation.MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument.NamespaceID This class represents the identification of a Namespace.OperationID This class represents the identification of an Operation.PropertyID This class represents the identification of a Property. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by Class Description AccountID This class represents the identification of an Account.ImplementationID This class represents the identification of an Implementation.InterfaceID This class represents the identification of an Interface.NamespaceID This class represents the identification of a Namespace.OperationID This class represents the identification of an Operation. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by Class Description AccountID This class represents the identification of an Account.DataSetID This class represents the identification of a DataSet. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by Class Description AccountID This class represents the identification of an Account. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by Class Description AccountID This class represents the identification of an Account.MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument.NamespaceID This class represents the identification of a Namespace.OperationID This class represents the identification of an Operation.PropertyID This class represents the identification of a Property. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by Class Description AccountID This class represents the identification of an Account.DataClayInstanceID This class represents the identification of a dataClay instance.DataSetID This class represents the identification of a DataSet.ExecutionEnvironmentID This class represents the identification of a ExecutionEnvironment.MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument.ObjectID This class represents the identification of an Object.SessionID This class represents the identification of a Session. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by Class Description AccountID This class represents the identification of an Account.ContractID This class represents the identification of a Contract.ImplementationID This class represents the identification of an Implementation.InterfaceID This class represents the identification of an Interface.MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument.NamespaceID This class represents the identification of a Namespace.OperationID This class represents the identification of an Operation.PropertyID This class represents the identification of a Property. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by Class Description AccountID This class represents the identification of an Account.ContractID This class represents the identification of a Contract.DataClayInstanceID This class represents the identification of a dataClay instance.DataContractID This class represents the identification of a Data Contract.DataSetID This class represents the identification of a DataSet.ImplementationID This class represents the identification of an Implementation.InterfaceID This class represents the identification of an Interface.MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument.NamespaceID This class represents the identification of a Namespace.OperationID This class represents the identification of an Operation.PropertyID This class represents the identification of a Property.SessionID This class represents the identification of a Session. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by Class Description AccountID This class represents the identification of an Account.ContractID This class represents the identification of a Contract.ImplementationID This class represents the identification of an Implementation.InterfaceID This class represents the identification of an Interface.MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument.NamespaceID This class represents the identification of a Namespace.OperationID This class represents the identification of an Operation.PropertyID This class represents the identification of a Property. -
Classes in es.bsc.dataclay.util.ids used by storage Class Description MetaClassID This class represents the identification of an Argument.ObjectID This class represents the identification of an Object.SessionID This class represents the identification of a Session.